Effective Information Sharing & Security
Welcome to iNetwork’s Effective Information Sharing & Security (EISS) programme. We have seen the continued threat of cyberattacks, and the risks of mismanaging data, and so it is as important as ever for organisations to look after the information we hold. Organisations are asking individuals to trust them with more and more of their data, and to ensure that the data that they hold on individuals is both safe and secure, and shared only where appropriate.
The focus of the 2024-25 programme continues to support the iNetwork membership in the areas of information governance, information security and information leadership. The programme recognises that information leadership should not be the sole domain of those that hold specialised roles of DPO, SIRO, Caldicott Guardian, or IG Officer. This year’s programme therefore continues to broaden the focus of Information leadership to support a wider cohort within the membership. Understanding the inevitable nature of the threat landscape and risks to the data we hold, the EISS programme this year continues to strengthen the focus on business continuity and recovery, and not just on safe data handling and security.
Priorities and Objectives for 2024-25
Information Leadership
This priority bolsters information leadership in iNetwork member organisations with the aim to upskill those with information roles in our member organisations, and to increase influence and strengthen our collective voice to positively impact information access policy and programmes at the national level.
Improving Cyber Security and Resilience
This priority promotes increased engagement across iNetwork membership in the North West Warning, Advice and Reporting Point (WARP) which facilitates the sharing of best practice and the exchange of information and cyber security intelligence across the membership strengthening collaboration and communication across the region to improve situational awareness and both organisational and multi-agency response readiness. This should lead to a reduction in the number of data breaches as a result of poor practice and cyber-attacks.
Improved Necessary and Proportionate Information Sharing to Support Effective Partnership Working and Person-Centred Care
This priority delivers improvements to necessary and proportionate information sharing to support effective partnership working and person-centred care.
“Excellent opportunity to learn what new threats and data compromisation issues. Very good event for networking.”
“Joining EISS NLG is a great opportunity for myself, and my organisation. It is a fantastic opportunity to meet with other officers from across the Public Sector, to discuss the challenges we all face, particularly around Cyber, and share our experiences. Collaboration and sharing is key, and this is the perfect forum for that”
The EISS Network Leadership Group
Each iNetwork programme has a Network Leadership Group (NLG) which consists of iNetwork members who are leading practitioners in their field. The NLGs serve as both a programme board and a leadership forum for collaboration across the local public sector. The network leaders for the Effective Information Sharing & Security Programme are:
EISS Network Leadership Group Members
Aidan Richmond, Transport for Greater Manchester
Alan Boardman, Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS FT
Carol McDonnell, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
Ian Smith, Cumberland Council
Jess Guilfoyle, Kikrlees Council
Jim Fessey, Wirral Council
Lesley Bullen, The Guinness Partnership (Chair)
Mathew Critchley, Manchester City Council
Stephen Hargreaves, Lancaster City Council
Yunus Mayat, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Deputy Chair)
Programme Co-ordinator

Billy Smith
EISS Programme Co-ordinator
For advice, guidance and support in this area, please contact Billy Smith, Effective Information Sharing & Security Programme Lead.