Web Check is an online tool from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) that is designed to make it easier to identify and fix common security issues affecting the UK government digital services. By simply adding the address of a service that you manage, the system will automatically scan the site for potential issues and areas that could be improved. It will also tell you about things that are well configured, giving you positive results as well. The scans are designed to be non-disruptive, and will have no impact on your service delivery.


Web Check is currently in private ‘alpha’ and NCSC are actively seeking enthusiastic new users to help them design, shape, and improve this service. By becoming an alpha user, you will receive privileged early access to a new NCSC service currently under development. In return, they request that you to actively engage with the project and provide feedback. Providing feedback is easy and straightforward.


If this sounds interesting to you, and you would like to become an alpha user, you’ll need to provide NCSC with a GitHub username. (GitHub is currently used to provide authentication/provide feedback – it is acceptable to use a personal account for this).


If you have any questions, or would like to know more, please contact lewis.philbey@digital.ndr.cesg.gov.uk