Wigan Welcomed to iNetwork Executive

iNetwork would like to warmly welcome Alison McKenzie-Folan to the iNetwork Executive Board. We are particularly pleased to have Alison on board because she is a passionate advocate for local public services and determined to make a difference for residents and communities. She is dedicated to inspiring the next female generation and committed to collaboration, innovation and technology.

Here is what Alison has to say about joining the board:

“As a passionate advocate of collaboration and innovation I am delighted to join iNetwork’s Executive Board. I’m a firm believer that our best ideas come when we work together and share experiences and best practice.

iNetwork is a great platform for bringing these opportunities to collaborate and engage forward, which is why I’ve always enjoyed being an active member of this network and found it so worthwhile. Having a space that is open to discussion really helps to generate creativity, which can and has led to some of our best ideas, including The Deal. The Deal has made a huge impact in the way that we work in Wigan, leading to a complete culture change both internally with staff and externally with the way we engage and work with residents and partners.

Through The Deal one of our aspirations was to build community capacity to enable people-led solutions to address everyday problems. We recognised that nobody knew our communities better than those who live in them so through collaboration we’ve been able to create important local networks that help shape the way we deliver services.

I’m also fascinated by the power digital has in transforming people’s lives for the better, whether it be used in care homes to prevent falls or the intelligence we use to improve the way we work. It’s for all these reasons and more that I’m looking forward to getting started in my new role.”

The iNetwork Executive Board is chaired by Steven Pleasant, Chief Executive, Tameside Council, and meets quarterly to steer the direction of the iNetwork programme. The board is made up of the following iNetwork members, and any requests for consideration to join the iNetwork Executive can be made to Shelley Heckman:

Alison McKenzie-Folan, Wigan Council

Chris Sinnott, Chorley Council

Christine Mullins, Tameside MBC (Accountable body / finance)

Chris Lewis, Oldham Council (TIPS Co-Chair)

David Willis, GM Health & Social Care Partnership (EISS Chair)

Gail Porter, Liverpool City Council

Gareth Pawlett, Cheshire East Council

Gavin Rimmington, YPO

 John Morrissy, Bolton Council

Nichola Cooke, STAR Procurement (CPC Deputy Chair)

Paul James, Trafford Council

Peter Jones, Warrington & Cheshire Partnership

 Peter Schofield, Manchester City Council (CPC Chair)

 Phil Swan, GM Combined Authority (iStandUK Chair)

Phillipa Nazari, GM Combined Authority (EISS Deputy Chair)

Rahna Riley, Rochdale Council (TIPS Co-Chair)

Robert Ling, North Yorkshire County Council

 Stephen O’Brien, Sefton Council

Steven Pleasant, Tameside MBC (Chair)

Tim Rainey, Tameside MBC (Accountable Body)

Alison McKenzie Folan,
Chief Executive, Wigan Council.