

Healthier Wigan

Rebecca Murphy, Wigan Council 


Radical Innovation in Housing, Health & Care Services

Jan Blum, Futuregov 

Seminar 1A

Developing St Helens Cares: Health, Housing & Happiness

Sarah Bullock, St Helens Council & Michelle Wood, Torus

How health and housing partners collaboratively developed a place based integrated care system, forming an “organisationally disinterested” culture, developing working relationships and trust, to achieve improved outcomes for people. The presentation will tell the story of their journey of collaboration and give details of some key housing led projects.

Seminar 1B

Collaboration & Innovation in Health & Housing: Liberty Protection Safeguards, New Models for Care Delivery & More.

Irene Zdziebko, Co-fund & Collaborate to Innovate

Seminar 2A

The Housing Needs of the Older Population to Improve Health & Wellbeing

Lauren Foster, Jacqui Dorman & Jack Gould, Public Health Tameside Council

Lauren Foster – A presentation describing the housing needs of the older population, what can be done to improve health and wellbeing outcomes to allow people to live in their own homes for longer.

Jack Gould – The presentation will be looking at how we can encourage and support people to age in place through building the right home in the right places, whilst looking to take the opportunities health and social care devolution provides in order to join-up our work with partners in population health and the NHS.

Seminar 2B

Medicine Management In Domiciliary Care: How Digital Can Make It Safer, Easier & More Efficient 

Damian Nolan, Halton Borough Council

With carers, local authorities, GPs, pharmacists, care providers as well as family and even friends all involved the delivery of medicines to people in their homes, it is a complicated area fraught with safeguarding issues. The Social Care Digital Innovation Accelerator – run on behalf of the Local Government Association and match funded by NHS Digital – highlighted medicinal management as a key area where both safety and process could be improved, wastage could be reduced and savings could be made. Indeed around 20% of all carer time is spent understanding medication, doses and ensuring people get ‘the right meds at the right time’. So improving visibility of medicinal management across these multiple partners has real value on a number of fronts. 

Halton Borough Council alongside Kent County Council, Warrington Borough Council, Newcastle and Sunderland City Councils have been working together with leading medicinal management technology specialists to unearth the challenges in the system and how using a digital approach could improve it for all involved. This session uncovers the discovery phase learning as to why partners need to work together better and how a digital approach could be a way in which this challenging area can be made both safer and more efficient.

Seminar 3A

Meeting the health, housing and care needs of people who are homeless through integrated working

Clare Hyde & Jane Cook, MHCLG

The role of care, support and integration in improving health and wellbeing, and reducing health inequalities through action to end homelessness.

Seminar 3B

Oldham – Public Sector Reform & Social Prescribing Innovation Partnership

Peter Pawson, Unity Partnerships 

An overview of Oldham’s approach to being developing Thriving Communities and Public Sector Reform from using data differently through to social value and place based working with time for discussion for what this means for your area.

Seminar 4A

Making Blackpool Better: addressing poor quality housing and improving our health

Andrew Foot & Judith Mills, Blackpool Council 

Seminar 4B

Assistive & Digital Inclusion in Housing: How we reduce pressure on statutory services

Gemma Smith, The Guinness Partnership

The Guinness Partnership is one of the largest providers of affordable housing and care in England with 69,000 Households. Guinness Care has 10,000 customers in our specialised housing, and additionally we deliver 11,000 care hours per week (572,000 per year) for people living in the community. Guinness Care helps people maintain their independence and remain in the home of their choice through quality care and support. We deliver a variety of services across the country for people of all ages, with a focus on older people, learning and physical disabilities, dementia and complex needs. Care and support services are offered to people living in their own communities and homes through personal care and floating support. We also support people living in Guinness housing for older people, extra care services and in our foyer for younger people. We want to be one of the best service providers in the housing and care sectors, one of the best employers in the country, and generate surpluses so that we can continue to develop new services that help our customers live independent, happy and healthy lives.