Networking Groups
At iNetwork, we offer a diverse array of networking groups tailored to various programme areas and topics for all iNetwork members to engage with. These groups cater to different interests and concerns with the aim of influencing public policy.
Take a look below at the complete list of groups you can join and discover a group that aligns with your professional interests. We look forward to your participation in our upcoming meetings.
If you have any questions please email iNetwork@Tameside.gov.uk
Our Networking Groups
Connected Procurement & Commissioning (CPC) Network Leadership Group
This group is hosted by iNetwork.
About: Each iNetwork programme has a Network Leadership Group (NLG) which consists of iNetwork members who are leading practitioners in their field. The NLGs serve as both a programme board and a leadership forum for collaboration across the local public sector. Members of the Connected Procurement and Commissioning Network Leadership Group (CPC NLG) are the thought leaders for iNetwork’s procurement and commissioning programme.
How to Join: Open to iNetwork members, membership of this group is by invitation only. To express an interest in joining, please contact the CPC programme coordinator, Hannah Gains at hannah.gains@tameside.gov.uk
Find out more: Connected Procurement and Commissioning
Effective Information Sharing & Security (EISS) Network Leadership Group
This group is hosted by iNetwork.
About: Each iNetwork programme has a Network Leadership Group (NLG) which consists of iNetwork members who are leading practitioners in their field. The NLGs serve as both a programme board and a leadership forum for collaboration across the local public sector. Members of the Effective Information Sharing and Security Network Leadership Group (EISS NLG) are the thought leaders for iNetwork’s cyber security and data protection programme.
How to Join: Open to iNetwork members, membership of this group is by invitation only. To express an interest in joining, please contact the EISS programme coordinator, Billy Smith at billy.smith@tameside.gov.uk
Find out more: Effective Information Sharing & Security
North West Warning & Advice Reporting Point (NWWARP)
This group is hosted by iNetwork.
About: A WARP (Warning, Advice and Reporting Point) is a community-based service where members can receive and share up-to-date advice on information security threats, incidents and solutions. Security standards for cyber security and resilience, providing a secure and cost effective means of accessing professional advice.
The NW WARP brings together Information Security, Assurance and Governance practitioners on a regional, sub-regional or partnership basis. We meet to exchange views, listen to guest speakers, undertake training or exercises and to exchange incident information. All meetings are conducted on a Chatham House Rule basis, using a traffic light protocol when discussing threats and incidents.
How to Join: For this group, each full iNetwork member organisation is permitted up to three named individuals to join. To request a membership form and to express an interest in joining, please contact the NW WARP coordinator, Billy Smith at billy.smith@tameside.gov.uk
Find out more: North West Warning, Advice & Reporting Point
Transforming & Innovating Public Services (TIPS) Network Leadersip Group
This group is hosted by iNetwork.
About: Each iNetwork programme has a Network Leadership Group (NLG) which consists of iNetwork members who are leading practitioners in their field. The NLGs serve as both a programme board and a leadership forum for collaboration across the local public sector.
Members of the Transforming and Innovating Public Services Network Leadership Group (TIPS NLG) are the thought leaders of iNetwork who support impactful transformation that benefits both people and places. The TIPS programme is dedicated to fostering improved community outcomes through the exchange of knowledge and best practice in innovative, place-based solutions encompassing data, digital, and communities.
How to Join: Open to iNetwork members, membership of this group is by invitation only. To express an interest in joining, please contact the TIPS programme co-ordinator, Sarah Day at sarah.day@tameside.gov.uk
Find out more: Transforming & Innovating Public Services
Partner Groups Supported by iNetwork
Enterprising Councils Group
About: This group continues the work of the Local Government Association (LGA), Advanced Commercial Group (ACG) and has a connection to the National Cross Council Revenue Group (CCRG). The National Enterprising Councils Group (ECG) is a network of like-minded individuals all making a difference for their councils through best practice and business-minded sustainable income generation. It’s a cost-efficient driving force, leading and enabling learning, culture and upskilling business productivity capabilities. The group aims to share experiences and good practice to drive innovation, and share new, resourceful or unusual ways to successfully deliver greater social, environmental, and financial value for the public purse.
How to Join: Open to council employees whose job role includes commercial, marketing, business development and generating revenue including advertising and sponsorship. Attendance at this group is by request only. To express an interest in joining, please contact Angela Redman at Angela.Redman@westsussex.gov.uk
Find out more: In this blog
Digital Web Managers Group
This group is hosted by Rahna Riley, Digital Services Lead at Rochdale Borough Council
About: This is an open forum for anyone who is involved in website management work within the public sector to come together to discuss and share issues and practices that are important to their roles and organisational goals. The meetings are held every 4-6 weeks and focuses on whatever is important and relevant at the time, as well as working through issues and sharing knowledge. This can be related to content management systems (CMS), single customer accounts implementation, web advertising strategies, cookies, web governance, and more.
How to Join: Open to any public sector organisation, attendance at this group is by request only. To express an interest in joining, please provide your name, job title, organisation, email and what you are looking to get out of the group to the TIPS programme coordinator, Sarah Day at sarah.day@tameside.gov.uk
Find out more: In our latest blog