North Yorkshire County Council

North Yorkshire County Council

Harrogate Smart Parking

Briefly describe the initiative/ project/service; please include your aims and objectives

North Yorkshire County and Harrogate Borough councils launched a joint initiative to create the country’s first ‘smart parking’ town in Harrogate in January 2019. (This is the first of a number of joint initiatives under the SMART Harrogate programme.) Initially on an 18 month pilot basis. Working with Appy Parking, the town now has parking partly managed by 2,200 surfacemounted BlueTooth sensors in all street parking bays and off-street surface level car parks. The first ‘smart parking’ app offers motorists the chance to be guided to available spaces and pay for exactly the time they stay.

The solution identifies available spaces, provides cost information and assists navigation to the most suitable parking space. On arrival motorists can start their parking session via the AppyParking app or can choose traditional pay and display machines. When using the AppyParking app, the motorist does not have to predict how long they will be in the bay and the session automatically ends when the car leaves the bay. Smart parking should significantly improve parking and traffic management, reduce pollution, support the visitor economy and enhance user experience, by using the data provided.

What are the key achievements?

Being at the forefront, with Harrogate Borough council, of the initiative to have the first town in the country to implement a holistic SMART parking solution. Collaboration with Harrogate Borough Council. The key achievements are; Improved traffic management, reduced congestion/pollution, new opportunities around data-driven real-time town centre traffic management, enhanced customer insight, optimisation of operations and enforcement activity, national/global recognition as a progressive, innovative, ‘smart’ place, reduced cash management, real-time data and insight to improve event management and faster turnover of bays.

What are the key learning points?

Make sure you have enough time and resources to implement something. Plan well and make sure key stakeholders are involved at the appropriate time. Make sure contracts with suppliers are correctly worded to ensure your projects are a success.
