Attracting and Retaining Public Sector Skills

The Attracting and Retaining Public Sector Skills is a series of events that support the iNetwork membership to identify issues, barriers, and opportunities to understand and respond to the needs and interests of target talent groups.

They will explore various strategies and initiatives that have been successful across different fields of the local public sector. This could include: apprenticeship schemes, grow your own scheme, professional development and accreditation, diverse employment schemes etc.

iNetwork members can access the recordings. If you would like to find out more information about iNetwork membership, please email  

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Please see below for further information on all the webcasts.

Thursday 22nd April 2021 - Attracting & Retaining a Talented & Diverse Workforce

Attracting & Retaining a Talented & Diverse Workforce

In this seminar, colleagues are invited to learn about some of the innovative employment strategies and schemes being deployed across the sector. The event is an opportunity to hear best practice examples of schemes that work to effectively attract, retain, and develop the next generation of talented individuals into the workforce.

We will consider how you can make your organisation more attractive to prospective early career colleagues, along with some of the key benefits and support available when choosing to recruit and develop young people and early career professionals.

The session is hosted by Louis Stockwell and Catherine O’Neill iNetwork, and they will be joined by speakers:

  • Nichola Cooke, STAR Procurement
  • Liam Gilmore, STAR Procurement
  • Julie Davison, North West Skills Development

You can now watch the full recording of the webcast below and read the blog iNetwork Supports the Sector with Attracting and Retaining a Diverse & Skilled Workforce

Friday 06th August - Going Above and Beyond in Diverse Public Service Recruitment

Going Above and Beyond in Diverse Public Service Recruitment

In this seminar, we invite you to listen to some leading examples of innovation in recruitment processes, advertising channels, organisational branding, diversity, and inclusion, which are supporting public services to attract a diverse range of new talent and, in doing so, equipping the sector to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

You will have the opportunity to consider your own organisation’s recruitment processes and skills attraction strategies, and to ask questions of peers and leading practitioners on these topics.

The session is hosted by Louis Stockwell and Catherine O’Neill iNetwork, and they will be joined by speakers:

  • Phil Pennill, Greater Manchester Combined Authority 
  • Caron Tinto, Greater Manchester Combined Authority 
  • Vimla Appadoo, UK Culture Shift

You can now watch the full recording of the webcast below and read the blog Going Above & Beyond in Diverse Public Service Recruitment


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