National Cyber Security Programme: Cyber Pathfinder One:
Cyber Landscape, Guidance & Support
iNetwork, the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG), and Emergency Planning College (EPC) are working with the National Cyber Security Programme (NCSP) to help local service providers to recognise the seriousness of the cyber challenge and help local service providers become more cyber secure and resilient. To accomplish this, the “Think Cyber Think Resilience” Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme provides free-of-charge exercises and training for Technical Officers and Senior Executives from Local Authorities, Local Resilience Forums, and other Public Sector partner organisations across England.
- Pathfinder One – Cyber Landscape, Guidance & Support has been developed with significant inputs from the National Cyber Security Centre, Cabinet Office Civil Contingencies Secretariat and other National Cyber Security Programme partners. It is designed to help local public service organisations support the objectives of the National Cyber Security Programme – which is responsible for the delivery of the UK Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy.
- Pathfinder One will help participants navigate their way through the complexities of cyber security and cyber resilience.
Pathfinder Module 1.1: Cyber Landscape – provides an overview of a baseline common understanding of the current cyber landscape helping participants to understand:
- Why asking the right question around technology and its risks is crucial to senior local leaders, policy makers and practitioners
- The terminology of Cyber Resilience and what it means to you, your organisation and local Resilience Forum community
- How growth in the use of connected technologies provides significant opportunities for those who seek to take advantage to exploit such opportunities for criminal and political ends
- Why Cyber Security is a Tier 1 National Security risk and how to take appropriate measures to ensure all critical services have appropriate protections in place
- More about the structures, organisations and departments involved to help you better understand your role in the cyber protection of the UK
Pathfinder Module 1.2: Guidance and Support – will signpost authoritative sources of guidance and support to help participants to:
- Know, in the ever-changing world of technology and fast growing sector, the importance of and where to find credible source of guidance and support
- Understand how Cyber security guidance is created to cover many sectors and how to navigate the confusion to find guidance best suited to individual organisational needs and circumstances
- Learn about the main sources of official guidance and where you can get additional support for their own personal development or that of colleagues they work with
- Develop their own knowledge and capability to support their organisational planning and strategic development – as well the organisation’s role in wider civic cyber resilience
All Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme seminars are designed to help participants think about the impact of cyber incidents on their organisational plans for multi-agency working under the Civil Contingencies Act. It will help them understand cyber related issues so that, working with their resilience partners, they can review existing emergency planning and develop effective multi-agency emergency planning for cyber related incidents.
Who should attend?
Senior Leaders, Policy Makers and Practitioners from English Local Authorities, Local Resilience Forums, and other Public Sector partner organisations responsible for:
- Policy or Strategic Management
- Cyber Resilience or Security
- Information Assurance
- Data Management and GDPR/NIS
- Democratic and Electoral Services
- Business Continuity Planning
- Emergency Planning
Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme events, which are free of charge for public service delegates, are aimed at Senior Leaders, Policy Makers and Practitioners from Public Service providers – especially (but not limited to) Local Authorities, Local Resilience Forums or their public sector delivery partners.
To provide participants with an overview of a baseline common understanding of the current cyber landscape and signpost participants to authoritative sources of guidance and support.
These interactive sessions provide an opportunity for participants, working in small groups, to explore:
- Pathfinder 1.1: Cyber Landscape – provides an overview of a baseline common understanding of the current cyber landscape helping participants to:
- Identify the evolving nature of the cyber landscape
- Define commonly used cyber terminology
- Understand the evolving cyber risk picture
- Describe how cyber resilience fits into the wider resilience capability
- Pathfinder 1.2: Guidance and Support – will signpost authoritative sources of guidance and support so that participants can:
- Outline the work and role of the National Cyber Security Centre
- Review some of the available key guidance documents and online sources
- Signposting the key support and practitioner organisations and their roles
- Identify legal, standards and regulatory requirements organisations need to address
Additional Information
Pathfinder One – Cyber Landscape, Guidance & Support is part of the MHCLG Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme funded by the National Cyber Security Programme. Participants and/or their organisations can further develop their understanding of cyber resilience, and the lessons learnt from attending the Exercise, by taking part in one or more of the programme’s training seminars.
Places are limited to 60 participants for each Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme event so early booking is advisable.
Teaching and Learning Methods
- Interactive Learning
- Group Exercises
- Case Studies
- Ongoing Support & Development via Resilience Direct Community
13 February 2019
Friends House
27 February 2019
Kings House Conference
14 March 2019
De Vere Colmore Gate
28 March 2019
Hilton Hotel
03 April 2019
The Albert Hall Conference
10 April 2019
We The Curious
17 April 2019
Town Hall
1 May 2019
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Life Meeting & Events