National Cyber Security Programme: Cyber Pathfinder Two:
Cyber Threats & Core Resilience
iNetwork, the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG), and Emergency Planning College (EPC) are working with the National Cyber Security Programme (NCSP) to help local service providers to recognise the seriousness of the cyber challenge and help local service providers become more cyber secure and resilient. To accomplish this, the “Think Cyber Think Resilience” Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme provides free-of-charge exercises and training for Technical Officers and Senior Executives from Local Authorities, Local Resilience Forums, and other Public Sector partner organisations across England.
Pathfinder Two – Cyber Threats & Core Resilience Capability has been developed with significant inputs from the National Cyber Security Centre, Cabinet Office Civil Contingencies Secretariat and other National Cyber Security Programme partners. It is designed to help local public service organisations support the objectives of the National Cyber Security Programme – which is responsible for the delivery of the UK Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy.
Pathfinder Two will help participants to better understand cyber threats, vulnerabilities, attack methodologies and dependencies. Participants will also explore the core components required to build an effective cyber security and cyber resilience capability.
Pathfinder 2.1: Cyber Threats – provides a detailed overview of threats and treat trajectories so that participants can:
- Identify why organisations are vulnerable to cyber-attacks and specific vulnerabilities to their own organisations
- Describe various types of attack methodologies
- Understand the role of threat analysis and its role in helping with strategic decision making across organisations
- Describe inter-dependencies with partners or suppliers and how these dependencies impact on an organisations’ threat landscape
Pathfinder 2.2: Capability – Outlines the core components of cyber resilience capability to help participants to:
- State the core components of a cyber resilience capability
- Define core roles and responsibilities necessary to maintain a minimum cyber resilience capability
- Review existing capabilities, roles and responsibilities to identify any shortcomings that need addressing
- Understand the interactions between policy and governance functions in the building or maintaining of core cyber resilience capability
All Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme seminars are designed to help participants think about the impact of cyber incidents on their organisational plans for multi-agency working under the Civil Contingencies Act. It will help them understand cyber related issues so that, working with their resilience partners, they can review existing emergency planning and develop effective multi-agency emergency planning for cyber related incidents.
Who should attend?
Senior Leaders, Policy Makers and Practitioners from English Local Authorities, Local Resilience Forums, and other Public Sector partner organisations responsible for:
- Policy or Strategic Management
- Cyber Resilience or Security
- Information Assurance
- Data Management and GDPR/NIS
- Democratic and Electoral Services
- Business Continuity Planning
- Emergency Planning
Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme events, which are free of charge for public service delegates, are aimed at Senior Leaders, Policy Makers and Practitioners from Public Service providers – especially (but not limited to) Local Authorities, Local Resilience Forums or their public sector delivery partners.
To provide participants with an understanding of the cyber threat landscape and the core components of a cyber resilience capability
These interactive sessions provide an opportunity for participants, working in small groups, to explore:
- Pathfinder 2.1: Cyber Threats – provides an overview of the threat landscape so that participants can:
- Identify current threats and attach methodologies
- Define existing organisational and dependency vulnerabilities
- Understand the role of threat analysis
- Pathfinder 2.2: Capability – explores the core components of cyber resilience capabilities so that participants can:
- Define core cyber resilience capabilities
- Identify/Describe key roles and responsibilities
- Review existing capabilities to identify gaps etc.
- Recognise the importance of policy and governance roles in building capabilities
Additional Information
Pathfinder Two – Cyber Threats & Core Resilience is part of the MHCLG Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme funded by the National Cyber Security Programme. Participants and/or their organisations can further develop their understanding of cyber resilience, and the lessons learnt from attending the Exercise, by taking part in one or more of the programme’s training seminars.
Places are limited to 60 participants for each Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme event so early booking is advisable.
Teaching and Learning Methods
- Interactive Learning
- Group Exercises
- Case Studies
- Ongoing Support & Development via Resilience Direct Community
09 May 2019
Friends House
22 May 2019
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Newcastle Upon Tyne
Life Meeting & Friends