by Shelley Heckman | Mar 24, 2016 | Innovative Access to Public Services
Blog post by Mark Golledge, LGA. The National Information Board as part of the Five Year Forward View has asked local health and care areas to develop a Local Digital Roadmap by 30 June 2016. This is aimed at supporting the sharing of information for care and meeting...
by Member | May 22, 2015 | Effective Service Redesign and Reform
By Claire Handby | Senior Manager | Advisory. EY I attended the event ‘Shaping Demand in the public sector: using customer and behavioural insight’ on the 14 May 2015. This blog shares my point of view on the insight I gathered from the event so the following covers...
by Member | May 11, 2015 | Effective Service Redesign and Reform, Innovative Access to Public Services
The issue at the heart of this session was simply “If we can’t be confident we are talking about the same person or family then we can’t join up our services”. Presentation slides from Andrew Cooling, Paul Tomlinson and Phil Swan are available at...
by Member | Apr 24, 2015 | Innovative Access to Public Services
Moves are afoot to create a local government digital service similar to the Government Digital Service which is hosted by Cabinet Office. This week iNetwork attended a “summit” at the Local Government Association alongside Chief Executives, CIOs, policy and digital...
by Member | Nov 24, 2014 | Effective Service Redesign and Reform
What will the local public service landscape look like in 3 years and what are some of the decisions we should be taking now? To help answer this we have described a “local public service journey” for councils and their partners which focuses on where cost savings...