This is a summary of the key point of discussion from iNetwork’s Local reThink event on Friday 27 February, kindly hosted by Sefton Council and Chaired by John Morrissy, Bolton Council and Chair of iNetwork’s ESR2 community.
Roundtable discussions were equally fruitful with the tablecloths full of writing at the end of dialogue. Having established the aim, the focus here was the “how” and included discussions on culture shift, having open and honest dialogue with communities, encouraging innovation, “giving people back their jobs”, and taking a multi-year view.
Some great examples of current work included:
Lancashire County Council’s reorganisation around “Start Well, Live Well, Age Well”.
Barry Quirk’s “kindness in public services” challenge and the importance of design:
The move from CAF to eHAT by Liverpool City Council Children’s’ Service
Wigan Council’s work on community led social care
Oldham Council’s Cooperative Council:
“Have a brew” with Sefton Cares:
NESTA “People helping People”:
“Systemic reform vs specific reform” from Reform:
Tailor made: How community groups improve people’s lives:
In wrapping up John Morrissy neatly summarised the challenge for us “How do we get out of the way and find ways for people to find solutions for themselves?”.
That is perhaps a more appropriate purpose for local government.