On 14th December 2016, iNetwork and Manchester Metropolitan University will host the launch of a new report on the future of justice devolution by the think tank Governup. We would like to invite any representative of a public sector organisation  to attend this event, joining PCCs, former government ministers and government policy makers. A full agenda of speakers is yet to be finalised but we can confirm they will include:


  • Rt Hon. Nick Herbert MP, Conservative MP for Arundel and South Downs, Co- Chair of Governup
  • Harvey Redgrave, Director of Strategy at Crest Advisory and author of the report on justice devolution
  • Commissioner Tony Lloyd


Following further devolution commitments in the 2016 Autumn Statement, there is growing interest in, and support for, the idea of a more localised justice system. Governup – an independent think tank dedicated to improving the effectiveness of government – has spent a year examining the case for justice devolution and is publishing its findings on the 14th December.

The report has been authored by Harvey Redgrave, a former Deputy Director of the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, home affairs advisor to Ed Miliband, and currently Director of Strategy at Crest Advisory.


The report argues that in a world of rising demand and shrinking budgets, it no longer makes sense for government to continue tinkering around the edges, attempting top-down reform of individual criminal justice agencies from above. Instead local leaders should be empowered to join up services from the bottom up – in order to deal with the root cause of crime, rather than managing its consequences and to ensure services can be built around the needs of victims.


The report calls on the government to set out its vision for the future of justice devolution, publishing a cross-government strategy, with clear principles to underpin the next round of devolution deals.
Other key recommendations include:


  • full devolution of youth justice powers and budgets to PCCs and directly elected mayors, including the ability to commission alternative secure accommodation  
  • devolution of custody budgets (e.g. for offenders serving short sentences and female offenders) to PCCs and directly elected mayors
  • a greater say for PCCs over local prosecution priorities and co-commissioning of local CPS budgets
  • a more explicit role for PCCs and directly elected mayors in holding other agencies of the CJS to account for under-performance, including prisons, local magistrates’ courts and probation services
  • a greater say for PCCs in the design and delivery of out of court disposals – enabling local areas to scrap ineffective sanctions, such as cautions, replacing them with more innovative and tailored sanctions, such as restorative justice

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As well as reflecting on the findings of the report, the discussion will explore:


  • The principles that should underpin justice devolution and what lessons can be learned from pioneering areas like Manchester;
  • how the role of PCCs and directly elected mayors should evolve;
  • how justice devolution can be used to harness improved outcomes for victims and communities.


Who should attend?

This event will be of particular interest to colleagues that are involved in the devolution and localisation of the justice system. This may include (but not limited to) representatives from: Councils, Police, Fire and Rescue, Health, Media, Think Tanks, third sector, magistrates, Prisons, Universities, central government etc.

iNetwork events provide a forum for colleagues from local authorities, health organisations, Police, Fire and Rescue, social housing and other public sector organisations to come together to discuss issues that impact on the public sector and to provide learning opportunities, encourage innovation and efficiency savings whilst delivering improved outcomes for citizens.