Last year the Executive Leader, Councillor Kieran Quinn, promised that Tameside would “get connected” and within the next few weeks that pledge will become reality. All our town centres, including Hattersley, will benefit from free Wi-Fi.
The SWIFT network – Smart Wireless Internet for Tameside – is entirely free and safe to use. Log-in can be done via Twitter, Facebook or as a guest, and once completed will keep people automatically connected as they move about the borough.

This project puts Tameside at the forefront of digital roll-out in Greater Manchester and the North West. While virtually every authority in the country offers hotspots, Tameside is offering much more. Free Wi-Fi will help the borough to prosper – It will bring people into our town centres and, what’s more, keep them there so they can use our shops and services. It’ll also make it much easier for visitors to find our scenic areas and tourist attractions. This is great news for our borough and keeping our residents well connected.