iNetwork are working with YPO to deliver a series of events on Local Authority Software Solutions LASA and Corporate Software Solutions CSS. These events are currently in the pipeline and will follow on from an initial event in May 2017.


For the first event, YPO will be hosting a Category Council in Wakefield on the 31st May 2017, the draft agenda is likely to include:

  • Overview of existing suite of solutions and forward plans Lessons learned session
  • What has worked or not worked in current LASA and CSS frameworks
  • Exploring scope of any future re tendered solutions of both the above including lot structures, number of lots, call off procedures , pricing and timelines.


Although this event is scheduled for Wakefield, it is likely that YPO will work with iNetwork to arrange a follow up event in Manchester and possibly Yorkshire to develop strategic IT relationships across GMCA and other key regional stakeholders provided there is sufficient interest in engaging in the process from local colleagues.


If you would like to know more about, or get involved with, YPO’s LASA & CSS sessions please contact