Last month, I published a blog about how the three WARPs in the North of England are deepening security collaboration. In it, I mentioned an intent to deliver a joint event: Northern WARP Conference: security, governance and management on 2nd July 2021. We have now finalised the agenda for this conference and with 18 sessions and 28 speakers in one day, I fear we may have over-packed it. We certainly have a lot of content to offer our delegates and we do not expect delegates to consume all this content in one sitting! Instead, delegates are invited to join what they can on the day and to take their time over the following month to go back and access any content they missed. This blog is intended as a guide to what is scheduled.
The conference is a great mix of pre-recorded seminars and live sessions. We have been pre-recording with our speakers all of last week, this means that our sessions are guaranteed to run smoothly on the day, and speakers will be available during their session to respond to any questions or comments delegates have, via the chat box function.
The Live Lounge sessions are an exciting addition to the conference. We know that conferences can be rather one way, where information is thrown at you. The Live Lounge sessions are designed for delegates to be able to switch on their camera and microphones (if they want to), and to speak with and pose their questions live to our invited speakers. Our Live lounge sessions are informal and completely open for delegates to interact in a live setting. Take a look at our scheduled Live Lounges:
WARP Live Lounge (10am-10:30am)
Facilitator: Shelley Heckman, NW WARP Co-ordinator
Guest speakers: Paul Woods, ISNorthEast Chair, Alan Boardman NW WARP Chair, Yunus Mayat, Y&H WARP Chair, and Graham Jordan, ISNorthEast Co-ordinator.
PSN Live Lounge (11:30am-12pm)
Facilitator: Graham Jordan, ISNorthEast Co-ordinator
Guest Speakers: Mark Smith, Head of PSN & Cyber Resilience and Lesley-Anne Turner, PSN Assessor
NCSC Live Lounge (1pm-1:30pm)
Facilitator: Yunus Mayat, Y&H WARP Co-ordinator
Guest Speakers: Stephen H4 and Nik W, Cyber Security Consultant
We have tried to give our conference a Northern flavour. I would particularly point to the following sessions for an ‘up north’ perspective:
An introduction to the Northern ROCUs (12pm-12:30pm)
Speakers: Louisa Murphy, NW Regional Cyber Protect Officer; Dean Russell, Y&H Cyber Protect Officer & Johnny Green, NE Regional Cyber Protect Officer.
NCSC in the North (12:30pm-1pm)
Speakers: Stephen H4, NCSC
GM Cyber Skills Intelligence (1:30pm-2pm)
Speakers: Caron Tinto, GMCA and Rosie Anderson, Honeypot Digital
It’s a bit of a myth that WARP serves only the cyber and information security community. Most, if not all, WARPs also focus on Information Governance too. Key sessions to highlight for those interested in IG include:
SAVVI Information Governance Framework for Vulnerability Data (11am-11:30am)
Speaker: Paul Davidson, Sedgemoor District Council
DAPIAN: Digital DPIAs (12pm-12:30pm)
Speakers: Stephen Girling, GMCA and Lianne Hawkins, Coalescent Ltd
Digital Solutions for Information Sharing (12:30pm-1pm)
Speaker: Michelle Murphy, ISG, NHS University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay
Giving you the Gift of Sight and the Benefit of AI (2pm-2:30pm)
Speakers: James Cunningham & Phil Howe, Core to Cloud
Information Governance: A Housing Perspective (2:30pm-3pm)
Speaker: Jovian Smalley, Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
We have so many more sessions that I haven’t mentioned but are equally deserving of a shout-out! If you have signed up for the event or are considering doing so, I would encourage you to check out the full agenda where you can register and sign yourself up for individual sessions. For your convenience, the image below is an at-a glance view of the agenda.