We would like to welcome a new member to the iNetwork team, Billy Smith has joined iNetwork as the Stakeholder Engagement Manager for the Effective Information Sharing & Security (EISS) Programme.
In his role as the EISS programme lead and Co-Ordinator of the North West Warning Advice & Reporting Point (NWWARP), Billy will be responsible for organising the iNetwork activities that support the network. In particular, to support the iNetwork membership in the areas of information governance, information security and information leadership. In addition, Billy will also be responsible for delivering the priorities for the EISS program as set by the Network Leadership Group (NLG), chaired by Lesley Bullen, The Guinness Partnership.
Billy has achieved a masters from The University of Manchester in Public Policy and Governance and has previously worked in the local public sector, within the children’s commissioning and commissioning development department and is excited to combine his experiences with his new role at iNetwork.
“I’ve got a passion for system change and collaborative working within the public sector. I’m really looking forward to being part of such a knowledgeable, skilled and diverse team and getting stuck into all the great work we do. Outside of work I enjoy getting into nature, whether walking or cycling. I also love music and I’m a keen collector of vinyl records. Really looking forward to meeting all of you and supporting you however I can.”
Join us in welcoming Billy to iNetwork and do reach out to Billy if you have any ideas for EISS event topics or you would like support from the EISS programme.